The Twitch Ad Density Debate: Exploring Alternatives to Intrusive Ads

Alex Pickett
October 31, 2022
The Twitch Ad Density Debate: Exploring Alternatives to Intrusive Ads
Recently, Twitch has faced criticism for increasing the frequency of ads that viewers must watch when they join a stream. These ads mute and obscure the content, causing viewers to miss out on valuable moments and negatively impacting the overall streaming experience. Numerous streamers have voiced their concerns, suggesting alternative ad formats to maintain viewer engagement without compromising revenue.
Popular content creator, Cr1TiKaL, proposed that banner ads would be an effective solution for increasing ad density without disrupting the content. Many of his followers agreed with this approach. Surprisingly, Twitch has been testing banner ads for over a year as part of an experimental program.

These Stream Display Ads appear beneath the stream window for a specific duration, showcasing the advertised product or service without pausing or interrupting the stream. Although streamers are excited about this non-intrusive ad format, many are unaware of its existence.
At present, there is limited information regarding why Twitch has kept the Stream Display Ads in an experimental phase or why they haven't promoted this alternative more actively, especially given the recent backlash. However, the existence of this ad format offers hope that Twitch may be considering balanced solutions that cater to both advertisers and the streaming community.
We encourage you to join the discussion and share your thoughts on Twitch's ad density and potential alternatives.
Update as of March 21st 2023
Twitches New Ads Incentive Program
Recently, Twitch has faced criticism for increasing the frequency of ads, which mute and obscure content, impacting the overall streaming experience. While Twitch has been testing non-intrusive banner ads as part of an experimental program, streamers are seeking more control over the ad experience on their channels. The Ads Incentive Program (AIP) has been introduced to give partners more control and flexibility with ads.
Key updates to the AIP include:
- Partners can join, change recommendations, or take a break from the program at any time.
- Fixed payouts will be replaced with revenue estimates for the three ad recommendations.
- Ad settings will roll over month-to-month, eliminating the need to sign up again every month.
- Partners can adjust ad settings outside the recommendations while still earning 55% net ad revenue, provided they meet the minimum ads per hour requirement.
- The minimum ads per hour for partners to earn 55% net ad revenue is initially set at three minutes, but this may change depending on the streaming country and audience size.
Affiliates have had similar flexibility since August 2022, and these updates aim to provide partners with similar control over their ad experience. The new program will take effect on April 1st, with an email sent to partners on March 15th to sign up.