Better Media Share
Let your viewers share YouTube, Twitch, and TikTok videos for the whole stream to watch!

How it works

Step 1
Enable Media Share
With just the flick of a switch, or customize extensively.

Step 2
Viewers share media
No more “media math”, use a trimmer as god intended.
If you give us a link with a timestamp in it, we start it there too ;)

Step 3
Watch it togther!
Have the best Media Share streams you've ever had.
Better Media Share
has better features

Priority queue
Allow viewers to put their media at the top of the queue

Pay any way
Viewers can send with Tangia Tokens, credit card, and PayPal

Mod Friendly
Let your mods clean the queue and keep the stream safe

Total control
Autoplay, skipping, re-queueing, and prioriting clips