Content Policy


Content Policies

You may not be eligible for parts of; or in whole, services offered by Tangia if you violate any of the following content guidelines. Services that may be restricted include but are not limited to Donations, Tips, Subscriptions, the sale of Digital Goods, or Tangia integration. In instances where a law has been broken; appropriate authorities will be notified. In instances where excessive harassment is reported, a Tangia account may be permanently suspended. These Acceptable Use Policies and Content Policies apply to Viewers, Streamers, and Developers.

Breaking the Law

You must respect all applicable local, national, and international laws while using our services. Any content or activity featuring, encouraging, offering, or soliciting illegal activity is prohibited.
This includes committing or aiding in the malicious destruction, defacement, or theft of public or another person’s private property without permission on stream or in any content shared through Tangia.

Suspension and Ban Evasion

All suspensions are binding until expiration or removal upon successful appeal. Any attempt to circumvent an account suspension or chat ban by using other accounts, identities, or by using another user’s account will also result in an additional enforcement against your accounts, up to an indefinite suspension.

Unauthorized Sharing of Private Information

Unauthorized sharing of private information, also known as doxxing, will result in the immediate termination of a Tangia account. We will take action on all instances of doxxing, or doxxing threats.
Do not invade the privacy of others. It is prohibited to share content that may reveal private personal information about individuals, or their private property, without permission. This includes but is not limited to:
Sharing personally identifiable information (such as real name, location, or ID)
Sharing information about the friends, family, or other known associates
Sharing information about someone's employment, employment status, or otherwise confidential and protected employment information
Sharing restricted or protected social profiles or any information from those profiles
Sharing content that violates another’s reasonable expectation of privacy, for example
Streaming from a private space, without permission
Content or activity meant to impersonate an individual or organization is prohibited.

Account Usernames, Display Names, and Game Names

Inappropriate account names, nicknames, or names used to facilitate a Donation, Digital Good Purchase, name of a game, or any location where a Users can enter in any text that is made public which violate our Community Guidelines are prohibited. Prohibited language includes but is not limited to the following:

Spam, Scams, and Other Malicious Conduct

Any content or activity that disrupts, interrupts, harms, or otherwise violates the integrity of Tangia services or another user’s experience or devices is prohibited. Such activity includes:
Defrauding others
Spreading malware or viruses
Misinformation (such as feigning distress, posting misleading metadata, or intentional channel miscategorization)
Harmful misinformation actors
Tampering (such as artificially inflating follow or live viewer stats)
Selling or sharing user accounts
Reselling Tangia services or features
Defacing, or attempting to deface, website pages
uploading inappropriate or malicious content, sharing malicious games, sharing malicious mods
Harmful Misinformation Actors

Intellectual Property Rights

You should only share and publish content on your through Tangia that you own, or that you otherwise have rights to or are authorized to share on Tangia. If you publish content on with your Tangia channel that you do not own or otherwise do not have the rights to share on Tangia, you may be infringing another person’s intellectual property rights. This includes any third party content included in your content, derivative creations, or performances of others’ copyrighted content. We encourage you to assess your content for adherence to applicable intellectual property laws and the proper application of principles such as fair use, and to secure all appropriate rights needed.
Any questions regarding the Tangia Acceptable Use Policy can be sent too

Using AI Impressions

All representations and AI Voice recreations available in Tangia's Enhanced Text-to-Speech, including those that resemble or impersonate real individuals, are entirely fictitious and are intended for parody, reactionary, and entertainment purposes only. These voice recreations should not be interpreted as accurate portrayals of the respective individuals. Any statements, expressions, or content generated through the use of Tangia’s voices do not, in any way, reflect the actual beliefs, opinions, or endorsements of the individuals they may mimic. Exercise responsibility and respect for the individuals being parodied, and understand that these voice recreations are meant to be humorous or creative imitations, not genuine reproductions.
Users are urged to use these voices with respect and discretion, recognizing that they are intended for humorous or creative representation and are not genuine reproductions. Under no circumstances should these voices be used beyond the scope of Tangia, unless explicitly mentioned otherwise. Usage is strictly confined to the Tangia Twitch Extension and the Tangia Audience Page. Any other use beyond these stipulated platforms is prohibited.

Using AI Impressions explained

We wanted to add a more “human friendly” explanation of using our extensive library of AI voices outside of our content policy.
Butler v. Target Corp. held that although lyrics to a song are copyrightable, the underlying voice is not. As the “sounds are not fixed“, there is no copyright protection available to the infinite number of words or phrases a person might utter in their distinctive voice.
Our interpretation is that this means because a voice is not a pre-determined definition (e.g. not a deterministic sequence of sounds), it is not possible to define a copyright for them. For example a voice does not say the same word in exactly the same way every time (and would be impossible to), such as song lyrics having the exact same sequence of sounds/words.
Furthermore (links replaced with public ones, [] ours):
Moreover, even if it were found that the voice itself was protected by copyright [which a court has yet to recognize], it may be derivative enough to fall under 17 U.S.C.A § 103 as it transforms the audio into something entirely different than the original. The vocal deepfakes are essentially the same, in the channel owner’s eyes, as “someone naturally doing an (extremely accurate) impression of that celebrity’s voice.”
Our interpretation is that this means the law has not defined a difference between a comedian doing a clear (and highly accurate) impersonation of someone else, and AI doing it. Previous examples can be seen in modern media such as the many “South Park” implementations of celebrity impersonations, or popular social media figures in which their talent (and following) is based on their ability to impersonate others. The use of AI is irrelevant to the concern of impersonation.
Because Tangia TTS synthesis is entirely parody, reactionary, and is clearly communicated as an impersonation (e.g. not true endorsement or words from the impersonated entity), it falls under the same category. This is a primary reason as to why we do not permit use of our voice library outside the scope of Tangia, as within the scope of Tangia we have clear guidelines that this is parody, reactionary, and clearly communicated as an impersonation. We make it clear in our content policy (section Using AI Impressions”).