Holy **** More Tangia Updates! The Moderator Edition

Alex Pickett
November 2, 2022
Holy **** More Tangia Updates! The Moderator Edition
We are back again with another round of updates! We have released Moderator pages and launched an awesome new referral program, along with a slight re-organization of the dashboard.
Moderator Page
The moderator page allows interactions that have user-generated content to be reviewed by a stream moderator before the interaction is displayed on stream. Unfortunately, people on the internet don’t always have the best intentions; this way, you can still offer the same awesome Tangia interactions without worrying about content viewers may submit! You can find your moderator page link under the new settings tab!
If you would like some more help or want to learn more, you can always check out the moderator page in our knowledge base!
Referral Program - Tell Your Friends ;)
We are excited to launch our brand-new referral program! If you put your friends on Tangia, it’s only fair we reward you somehow, right? You will earn 5% of the Net revenue of interactions sold for 365 DAYS. The friend you refer still gets 80% of the revenue and you take 5% and we take the remaining 15% You can refer as MANY people as you would like! There is no limit. So get out there and spread the word!
If you want to learn more about the referral program, as always, you can check out our referral page in our knowledge base!

Site Updates!
We have slightly reorganized and consolidated parts of the dashboard. Overlays and integrations are no longer separate tabs, as we have moved everything under general settings. We have also reintroduced the QR Code generator into its own tab, so users have a way to access your Tangia page quickly!
It’s nothing too crazy, but it should make the dashboard less busy, and make all of the Tangia capabilities a little bit easier to find!
If you have any questions about site functionality and features, head on over to our knowledge base!