Create Your Own Interactions  🔧

Create Your Own Interactions 🔧

Alex Pickett
Alex Pickett

April 5, 2023

Create Your Own Interactions 🔧

Creating your own custom interactions and overlays is back! Now you can easily upload your own memes and screen overlays to Tangia to instantly become an interaction. You can upload to the full overlay to play on your entire screen or to the spot overlay to be played wherever you have placed the spot in the overlay composer.
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Uploads must be in the WEBM format. Webm allows for transparency and sound for the videos you are uploading!
Once your interaction is uploaded, and created you will find them in the Tangia interactions page and will only be available to you and your viewers!
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We are super excited to see the wonderful and creative moments you make with Tangia!🧡
Happy Interacting 🚀
Level up your
streams with Tangia!
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